简介 Intro
18 years passed since our nation start garbage separation in 2000. However, we are still seeing the mixed garbage bins, confusing guidance and unpractical propaganda.
Is there a better garbage classification system?
In this course, we will provide a whole day deep tour of our system to the audience. Senior classification expert will share our experiences and frustrations in the last 6 years and our latest understandings. Besides, we will bring the visitors to different sites and practice our real facilities.
适合人群 Audiences
- 希望深度了解奥北环保的人
- 希望深度了解垃圾分类的人
- 行业体验一日营
- People who would like to learn aobag in deep
- People who would like to have insights for garbage classification
- Industry practitioners for professional exchange
课程内容 Suggested procedure
- 10:00~11:30:办公室讨论垃圾分类症结和奥北分类模式
- 11:30~13:00:自行用餐、休息
- 13:00~13:30:实地了解自助投放点
- 14:30~15:30:前往分拣厂了解运营流程,体验二次分拣
- 15:30~16:00:现场答疑,知无不言
- 1000 ~ 1130: discussion at aobag office
- 1130 ~ 1300: lunch break (no meals included)
- 1300 ~ 1330: visiting the first aobag station
- 1430 ~ 1530: visiting the aobag factory
- 1530 ~ 1600: onsite Q&A
Note 1: Please confirm in advance if you want to include a school visiting in the tour
Note 2: You might sit in our monthly Monday management meeting by chance.
参与要求 Restrictions
- 30人以下
- 需提供维持秩序的老师/工作人员配比10:1
- 车辆及餐食需自行解决
- 需提前一周预约
- Max 30 persons
- To keep the order of the visit, please assign at least 1 assistant for each 10 visitors
- No transportations and meals are included
- Make reservation 1 week ahead